I am starting a research paper analyzing game theory and how it relates to blockchain consensus protocol. Below is my reading list. Please share any recommendations. More to come…
- Leslie Lamport “Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events” https://lamport.azurewebsites.net/pubs/time-clocks.pdf
- “Why Game Theory?” by Prof. Elias Koutsoupias (Oxford) at IOHK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeNJoJOgMHU
- Science Direct “Analysis of main consensus protocols and Blockchain” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S240595951930164X
- “Towards True Decentralization: A Blockchain Consensus Protocol Based on Game Theory and Randomness” http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~nbulusu/papers/gamesec18.pdf
- https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/game-theory-consensus-protocols-blockchain-astha-keshariya-ph-d-/
- Understanding Blockchain Fundamentals, Byzantine Fault Tolerance, Proof of Work & Proof of Stake, Delegated Proof of Stake https://medium.com/loom-network/understanding-blockchain-fundamentals-part-1-byzantine-fault-tolerance-245f46fe8419
- Byzantine Generals’ Problem — https://www.capgemini.com/au-en/2018/07/what-is-the-blockchain-solving-the-generals-problem/
- Dr. Xiaolong Xu — “Rational Protocols and Attacks in Blockchain System” — https://www.hindawi.com/journals/scn/2020/8839047/
- What is crypto currency game theory: A Basic Introduction https://blockgeeks.com/guides/cryptocurrency-game-theory/
- Lex Fridman and Vitalik Buterin Discussion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yrqBG-7EVE
- The Byzantine Generals Problem and Blockchain Consensus Models | A Deep Dive by Avery Carter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJHcoHxfor4
Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
- “Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance” by Miguel Castro and Barabara Liskov MIT http://www.pmg.lcs.mit.edu/~castro/osdi99_html/osdi99.html
- Interchain Foundation Cosmos Network — https://v1.cosmos.network/resources/whitepaper
Proof of Work
- Bitcoin Whitepaper — https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
- What Bitcoin Did Podcast, Jimmy Song on Proof of Work Game Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3_7x4tDPEA&t=202s
- Bitcoin Proof of Work by Ioni Appelberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hFvQhMRnc4
- 51% attack — https://www.fxempire.com/education/article/51-attack-explained-the-attack-on-a-blockchain-513887
- Hashcash by Adam Back — http://www.hashcash.org/papers/hashcash.pdf
Proof of Stake
- Ethereum Whitepaper (PoW now and changing to PoS) — https://ethereum.org/en/whitepaper/
- ETH 2.0 Upgrades — https://ethereum.org/en/eth2/vision/
- Cardano Whitepaper — https://why.cardano.org
- Charles Hoskinson (founder) on Cardano — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ja9D0kpksxw
- Delegation and Stake Pools by IOHK research (game theory specific callouts) — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m1mW_YBgQI
- Harmony Whitepaper — https://harmony.one/whitepaper.pdf
- Andreas M. Antonopoulos: Proof of Stake and Game Theory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHYS0xgZ9dQ
- Tarun Chitra — “Competitive Equilibria Between Staking and on-chain lending” https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.00919.pdf
Proof of History
- Solana Whitepaper — https://solana.com/solana-whitepaper.pdf
- “What is Solana and Proof of History?” by Hack Crypto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzcPINipXq4
- Ripple Whitepaper — https://ripple.com/files/ripple_consensus_whitepaper.pdf
- Ripple Explained by “99 Bitcoins” — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmaWDpg4fMU